Hademar Waldwichtel Trail

Hademar Waldwichtel nature discovery trail in Oberharmersbach
Hademar Waldwichtel nature discovery trail in Oberharmersbach

By Vicky · Published May. 2nd, 2023 · Updated Jan. 7th, 2024

The Hademar Waldwichtel Trail is a fun nature discovery walk for children and adults alike, starting from the centre of Oberharmersbach.

Hademar Waldwichtel Trail Map

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The Hademar Waldwichtel Trail starts from the tourist information in Oberhrmersbach. There’s a car park just in front of the office.


  • There are several restaurants and cafes in Oberharmersbach town that you can visit at the start or end of this walk.
  • The hike is fairly well-signed, and you’ll see colourful dwarfs making the route.
  • Parts of this route are not suitable for prams/buggies.
  • For another hike nearby check out the Harmersbacher Vesperweg Hike or the short Brandenkopf Walk. For more hikes, check out our Germany Hiking Page.

Hademar Waldwichtel Trail Route

Hademar the Dwarf on the nature discovery trail in Oberharmersbach
Hademar the Dwarf
A watermill for powering wooden hammers
A watermill for powering wooden hammers

From the tourist information office in the centre of Oberharmersbach, cross over the main road to the bridge marked with a dwarf and the sign ‘Naturerlebnispfad’ (Nature Discovery Trail). Walk across the bridge and round to the left. Keep left by the house at the fork in the path. This brings you down to a small path alongside a little stream.

Soon on your right you’ll see a small wooden watermill which powers hammers that bang up and down. Shortly after this the path heads right and zigzags up the slope. Go straight over the larger track, and just around the corner you’ll find a large wooden birds nest above you, containing several huge eggs.

A gigantic birds nest on the Hademar Waldwichtel Trail
A gigantic birds nest
Viewpoint over the valley below

A little bit further is a junction. The full Hademar Waldwichtel Trail now heads left, but if you have a pram then take the route to the right to join the trail again later. For those heading left, keep an eye out in the forest for animals. You should spot several wooden creatures hidden in the trees – a weasel, deer, wild boars, a fox and several more animals.

Where the path turns the corner, you’ll be at a great viewpoint where the trees below have been blown down. From here you can see the valley below and the town of Oberharmersbach. A little further, you’ll reach a tree telescope. Look through the holes to find more animals hidden in the woods!

At the Highpoint

Wooden Viewpoint Tower on the Hademar Waldwichtel Trail
Wooden viewpoint tower
Flowers in the forest

You’re almost at the highest point of this walk now. At the next junction turn right to head back down the hill following several zigzags. There are several fun stops on the route down. These include a tree where the dwarf Haldemar lives, and a large spider’s web you can play with.

Soon you’ll reach the Nature School. Walk down through here then turn left to reach a wooden lookout tower you can climb up. Continue onwards and then head right along the trail. Look out for the badger’s den on your right, then a panorama lounger on your left.

Walking back along the railway after the nature discovery trail for children in Oberharmersbach
Walking back along the railway

The trail continues heading gently up and down through the woodland, with several more fun stops along the way. Eventually, the path bends sharply and you leave the forest into the village. Cross the bridge over the stream, then over the railway tracks to reach the path on the other side. Turn right here and you’ll soon reach the tourist information where you started and the end of the Hademar Waldwichtel Trail.

Guidebooks to explore more of Germany

For another hike nearby check out the Harmersbacher Vesperweg Hike or the short Brandenkopf Walk. Alternatively, check out our Germany Hiking Page for more great hikes nearby and for walking tours of the famous Bavarian cities.

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