By Vicky · Published Apr. 20th, 2024 · Updated Jan. 29th, 2025
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Hunspach is officially one of the Most Beautiful Villages of France, and on a walking tour through the black-and-white houses, you can see why.
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This walking tour of Hunspach starts from a car park by the cemetery. Hunspach is about 45 minutes drive north of Strasbourg, not far from the border with Germany.
Hunspach Walking Tour Map
Get the route by downloading the .gpx or .kml file below. For navigation with on your mobile phone, simply download the .kml file and open to add it to the bookmarks.
Tips for Hunspach Walking Tour
- Remember that people live in these picturesque houses, so try not to be annoying.
- Seebach is another lovely village about 5 minutes drive away from Hunsbach.
- For more walking tours and hikes, see our France Hiking Page.
Top Sights in Hunspach
There are no specific sights in Hunspach, it’s just the cute black-and-white half-timbered houses that give this village its charm. Allow roughly 1 hour to walk around Hunspach and take a lot of photos!
Roughly 5 minutes drive in opposite directions, you can explore the Maginot Line Fort Schoenenbourg or Seebach, another cute village full of black-and-white houses.
Hunspach Walking Tour Route
This walking tour starts from the parking by the cemetery. Leave the car park and turn right along the quiet road. At the junction, turn right down into the main part of town, already passing many cute black-and-white half-timbered houses.
At the next junction, turn right along the Rue Principal, the main street in town. Along this lane, you’ll pass Kelsch’idée Museum & Shop, a store with local produce and a small museum about the history of Alsace.
Just after the museum, you’ll come to the small town square. There’s a cute courtyard and farm complex on one side, with the village Marie on the other.
A little further along the road, you’ll reach a crossroads, entirely surrounded by lovely old buildings. In one of the buildings to your right, you’ll find Albert Niess Art Gallery.
Carry on across the crossroads a short distance to reach the local tourist information. Opposite this is one of the loveliest houses in Hunspach, an old building that now contains a second-hand arts and crafts shop.
Walking a Loop through Cute Houses
Return to the crossroads and turn left. Walking along this lovely street, you’ll soon see the local church on a hill to your right. Continue onwards, admiring the picturesque street. At the next crossroads, you can shorten the walking tour by turning right and taking the path almost immediately to your right.
To continue on the longer route, head onwards. After a few hundred metres, you’ll reach the end of the village. Turn right, up a street that strangely does not have old black-and-white buildings, but more modern houses. Once you get to the main road at the top, head down the street to your right and the old houses return.
When you’re almost back at the bottom, take the paved path to your left between two buildings. This leads into a grassy area full of trees. To your right, you can see the church again and get an overview of the old houses.
Continue through the orchard, over the gentle hill and back down into the village near the main square. Turn left, and then left again to head back to the car park and the end of the Hunspach Walking Tour.
Nearby Seebach Village
If you want to explore a similar village of cute old black-and-white houses, head to Seebach, just 5 minutes away.
For more walking tours and hikes, see our France Hiking Page.